Cheapside Terminal To Eden Lodge & Bibby's Lane No. 3 - Via Seaview Road, Reef Road Turn Left Onto Redman Drive, Left Onto Prescod Boulevard, Turn Left Onto Princess Alice Highway, Turn Onto Prince Alred Street, Turn Right Onto Broad Street, Turn Left Onto Prince William Henry Street, Coleridge Street, White Park Road, Bank Hall, Bush Hall Main Road, Stadium Road, Codrington Road, Spooners Hill, Green Hill, Eden Lodge Road, Eden Lodge Housing Area, Eden Lodge Road, Turn Left To Warrens, Jackson, Canewood Road, Turn Left To Bibby's Lane No. 3 And Return Same Route Until White Park Road, Magazine Lane, Roebuck Street, Crumpton Street, St. Michael's Row, Bridge Street, Wharf Road, Hincks Street, Princess Alice Highway, Turn Right Into The Ceapsie Terminal.